Eaton Manor Weddings – Event Rules

The definitions used in our Event Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) apply to our Event rules.

The following rules apply to your Event. If you have any questions about the contents of these Event Rules (or our Terms), please contact us via or 01694 724814.

Arrangements for your Event

After making an Event Booking with us, further viewings and meetings will generally have to be made during the normal working week, Monday-Friday 10am-4:00pm. Please do be prepared to have to take some time off work for these.

Food and activities cannot be supplied by yourselves. All food and entertainment activities must be supplied via a company with relevant insurance in accordance with our Terms.

Confirmation of final numbers and seating plan and any other details are required at least two weeks before the Event Date unless a different timescale is mutually agreed.

We reserve the right to make reasonable changes without notice to any aspect of the planned Event.

Photographs of your special day will be shared by Eaton Manor following discussion with you.

During the Event

We cannot absolutely guarantee the timings for your Event including the service of food.

The Event must be finished by midnight, as specified in the Event Times, detailed in the Event Confirmation.

Guests not staying onsite must be advised to book taxis or shuttle buses well in advance to be able to vacate the premises by the closing time. Being a rural area, these are not readily available and must be prebooked.

The Games Barn is only available if you book exclusive use of the whole Property and prior to the wedding breakfast. Once the wedding breakfast has commenced the Games Barn will be closed. If you only book the Events Centre, it will only be available for Eaton Manor residents and permission for Guests to use the Games Barn is at our discretion and must be discussed in advance of the event.

Confetti: only fresh or dried natural petals are permitted in certain areas with prior permission in pre-agreed designated areas. Please note bio-degradable confetti is prohibited, it is best to detail this on your invitations to avoid any misunderstanding on the day.

The application of glitter to faces and bodies by professional makeup artists or non-professionals is not allowed to ensure that the Property is of the standard expected for future events.

The use of drones is permitted with prior permission and must be used by photographers or videographers who hold a relevant, current licence. It is important a discussion is held between the drone user and Eaton Manor to ensure the drone user is aware of the boundaries.

We cannot be held responsible for any damage to property or clothing caused by spillages or such accidents. Our staff will endeavour to take all reasonable care but such accidents in a busy venue are unpredictable. You accept that we cannot be held liable for damage to wedding dresses or other such high value items.

Whilst we will endeavour to clean up any spillages and breakages, we cannot take responsibility for such incidents or accidents related to the catering or bar or for any accidents related to other parts of your event or to activities run by other suppliers organised by you such as music, dancing, or other entertainment.

If at any stage during your Event you are in any way concerned about any aspect of service, please bring it to the immediate attention of the Event Manager for us to attempt to resolve the matter. We are largely unable to resolve any such problems after the event.

We are unable to provide any leftover food for you or any guests to take away from the venue after service has been completed.

If you decide to have a hog roast, this is required to be served outside so we would recommend you inform the supplier so that they can be prepared and bring a gazebo with them to protect from weather conditions. If the weather is torrential then it will be to our discretion to decide on location.

Provision of Alcohol

All alcohol provision is subject to the conditions imposed by the local authority, our premises license and planning conditions.

Guests under 18 years of age may not consume or purchase alcohol. Whilst we recognise that the licensing law allows for 16–18-year-olds to consume beer, wine or cider only whilst sitting at a table having a meal with a parent, our company policy is that we will not knowingly serve alcohol to anyone under the age of 18.

In the event of excessive drunkenness, disorderly, illegal, threatening or lewd conduct we must and will suspend alcohol service and sales temporarily or indefinitely and we may terminate the Event immediately in the event of failure to leave site when required to do so by our staff.

Behaviour Standards

Inappropriate behaviour may result in your Event being stopped early or cancelled. Guests may be asked to leave the Property grounds if their behaviour is threatening, aggressive, anti-social, unlawful, or damaging in any way to the staff or the venue.

Please note we operates a zero-tolerance policy on drug use and any violation will cause your stay/event to be terminated with immediate effect.

(Wedding Rules V2)

Everything you’ll ever need

We pride ourselves in helping you organise your special event or celebration, be it a milestone birthday, reunion, anniversary or simply an excuse to get together with friends and family. There is so much to enjoy on the Estate as well as exciting activities and guest services - and if you have a particular activity in mind please let us know and we will try to source it locally for you.

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